upcycled fashion

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Sustainability and all that stuff

Sustainability and all that stuff

It’s complicated - I do not have the answers, but my hope in writing my column as we close secondhand September is at least to explore some solutions and lay out some of the current debates about sustainability, particularly in fashion.  Responsibility It can be...

Guide to the dear green place Glasgow

Guide to the dear green place Glasgow

Did you know that Glasgow rates highly for green spaces per capita with 90s parks and gardens? The clue is in the city's nickname "Dear Green Place", which is derived from the Gaelic word for Glasgow. Other glorious green places are uncovered as you chat to people...

Conscious Commuter

Conscious Commuter

Ensure you get space on the handrail during a crowded commute with this voluminous sleeved button-down by Amour Vert [If you're in the US or Canada it’s worth noting that it recently teamed up with the online thrift store thredUP, so you can close the loop on your...

Ready-to-wake: Should fashion weeks be cancelled?

Ready-to-wake: Should fashion weeks be cancelled?

Upcycled kitten heels by Ancuta Sarca at London Fashion Week “Wake me up when September ends” are words I've heard from editors doing the four fashion capitals in less than four weeks.   Our eyes are closed to the emergency according to Extinction Rebellion, the...